PalmSHIELD’s New Vertical Louver Screen: Achilles

PalmSHIELD announces new vertical louver option

An outdoor entrance blocked off by 3 vertical louver panelsPalmSHIELD is excited to announce Achilles, their new vertical louver fence and screening system. Vertical louvers are popular for mechanical equipment enclosures and matching existing rooftop equipment screening designs. PalmSHIELD recognizes that most building eaves and roof panels have a vertical alignment in panel ribbing or ridges. Where the louvered screening aligns closely to roofing and eaves; designers want to continue this pattern for a consistent look.

The challenge with a vertical louver design is that using traditional single profile louvers will not provide the necessary screening consistently. As you pass from left to right in front of the louvered fence or screen, you will go from full visibility to practically no visibility. You do not have this challenge with traditional horizontal louvers as the louvers are rotated to a specific angle that provides necessary screening at a standard line of sight.

PalmSHIELD has overcome this challenge by using a double profile vertical louver design. At any angle, you have 100% coverage yet still maintain good air flow. The louvers may be adjusted to increase air flow and to allow light to pass or establish some visibility on request.

The other challenge PalmSHIELD had to overcome with this design is the use of supporting braces. Since the louvers are vertically placed, the supporting braces would be horizontal. This horizontal structural brace would contradict with the overall vertical appeal. PalmSHIELD chose a vertical louver with significant structural integrity in order to eliminate the need for a horizontal brace on standard height panels.

Achilles is available in a galvanized steel louver design or our traditional aluminum louver design. Both vertical louver designs can be powder coated to match your specific color. To learn more about this new product, please visit their website at and check out this detailed PDF.

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