Use a Privacy Fence for Noise Reduction

A diagonal shot of a solid white vinyl privacy fence cutting across a green lawn

Privacy fences offer seclusion of your backyard and property, shielding them from the outside world and the eyes of prying neighbors. With a professionally constructed privacy fence, you can enjoy backyard barbecues, family time, Frisbee matches, etc. as if you had the world to yourself. However, if you’re also concerned about minimizing noise, there are fencing options available to help protect your ears from excessive sound. Suppose your home’s situated alongside a busy highway; cars and trucks come barreling down that road all the time, every day, disrupting your day with constant motor noise. While no fence can completely block out noise, there are some tips you can follow to create a more peaceful outdoor environment. One of those being to construct a privacy fence.

How Does a Privacy Fence Help with Noise Reduction?

As with its visual blockage qualities, the build of privacy fence panels contribute to reducing noise. Solid and impervious, the shape, structure, and fabrication of these panels do not permit the passage of sound as easily as, say, chain link fencing or picket fences.

  • Strategic Placement of Your Privacy Fence. If you’re concerned about noise from neighbors or nearby roads, it’s essential to determine the optimal location on your property to install the new fence. Our team of experts can assess your property and recommend the best placement to absorb and minimize the impact of noise on your daily life. We take into account the sources of the unwanted sounds to assist you in making an informed decision. Placing the fence closer to your desired outdoor hangout can be particularly beneficial as it acts as a sound buffer.
  • Enhancing Noise Absorption. After your fence is in place, you can further enhance noise absorption by incorporating landscaping features, canopies, or a covered porch in your outdoor area. If you enjoy spending time on your patio, you might consider installing a mesh screen that allows light to pass through while absorbing sound. These additions can complement the sound-reducing properties of your fence and contribute to a quieter atmosphere.

What Goes into a Fence?

  • Choice of Fence Material. It’s important to consider the impact of the fencing material on sound reduction. For instance, a wrought iron or chain-link fence would not be suitable for softening sound. Instead, we recommend opting for a solid fencing panel made of wood or vinyl/PVC, as these materials can serve as a better sound barrier. Here at American Fence Company, our installers are thoroughly trained in installation of all these materials. They can professionally install such a fence, providing both privacy and sound mitigation.
  • Privacy Fence Height Considerations. Depending on the regulations set by your homeowner’s association (HOA) or city ordinances, choosing a taller fence can help block out noise from the road and surrounding areas. A solid and tall fence can act as a buffer between your family, guests, and the external noise.
  • Quality Fence Construction. As mentioned before, here at American Fence Company, we stress quality craftsmanship. Every man on our installation team’s required to undertake thorough training in all aspects of fence and gate construction. They arrive at your property educated in their craft; these are not interns figuring out things on the fly. When installing your fence for privacy, our team prioritizes solid construction to create a more tranquil space. We ensure there are no gaps or spaces in the fence that may allow unwanted noise to penetrate.

Draw Your Privacy Fence Online, For Free!

Wouldn’t it be convenient if—rather than hiring an estimator to physically measure your projected job site—you could simply hop online and draw your fence? Well, American Fence Company has a tool that allows you to do just that! With Draw My Fence, you can look up your job site on Google Maps and draw the fence on an overhead view. The team will then look at your submitted drawing and get back to you with an estimate. Get the same results, but with less hassle and in a much shorter span of time! Check out the video below to see how it works!

Let’s talk your privacy fence project today! American Fence Company has operated since 1967! Our services and flexibility has made us known as the top fence contractor in the Midwest!