Specify a no-cut -non-removable anti-cut padlock gate latch. American Ultra Latch can help.

Anti-cutAmerican Ultra latch will provide you with photos, specifications and CAD drawings for your next project.  We have both a single swing and a double drive version gate latch.  Our single swing gate latch will accommodate both 3″ and 4″ gate posts.  Our double drive will accommodate both 1 5/8″ and 2″ gate frames.  Both locks accommodate 1 1/2″ – 2 1/2″ lock hasp.  All of our locks are two sided access.  Why use just any gate latch when you can use a non-cut anti-cut padlock non-removable gate latch.  Contact us at t.lavigne@americafence.com and ask for a full submittal set.   Single Swing American Ultra LatchDon’t settle for less.



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