PalmSHIELD’s Perforated Screening: Perfect for Commercial & Residential

No project is too complex or difficult (and certainly no project is too simple) for our team of expert installers at PalmSHEILD. Providing improved security, curb appeal, and airflow for residential patios is something we know all about, and we also have an extensive track record installing architectural screening at industrial complexes. Because we service such a large number of clients across so many situations, we always developing new product lines. One of our most adaptable developments is the Charlemagne performed metal screening, which is a quintessential item for commercial, residential, and industrial applications.

Charlemagne perforated screening possesses tremendous visual appeal, with its custom hole patterns designed to match numerous types of building envelope. The custom sizing of the holes allows users to pick out how much pedestrians will be able to see of the other side, and the holes still allow for airflow.

Charlemagne perforated metal screening has been installed around rooftop bars and dumpster areas, allowing sunlight while ensuring additional privacy. It has also been used for privacy screening at high-end office buildings as well as pools at apartment complexes, so the number of applications where it can be useful is practically limitless! Our experts at PalmSHIEL offer free CAD drawings and specifications, not to mention quotes, all of which makes it easy to clarify why Charlemagne architectural screening is ideal for your next project.

Contact us today to learn more about the uses of perforated metal screening!

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